Kitchen Tools I Didn't Realize You Needed

An online friend of mine writes a quirky and highly intelligent blog, updated almost daily. Though he is admittedly not a cook, except a weakness for baking I've discovered, he's been reading my weekly cooking advice newsletter for a while now.

When my Top 10 Kitchen Tool issue came out a few weeks ago, he was inspired to write about the list, to a degree. I expected all kinds of debate and contradiction to ensue - "You don't need a peeler if you have a paring knife" - and that line of thought. Try peeling five pounds of potatoes with a paring knife - you'll know why I recommend the Kyocera Perfect Peeler.

But I digress. This highly educated and eloquent blogger, who goes by the name Michael5000 and lives in Castle5000 in Portland with his wife, Mrs5000, an architect and artist....I'm continuing to digress.

M5K's thesis can be summed up as "You forgot about dishes and silverware", then he adds other entertaining musings from a non-cook. You can read his rebuttal here, on his blog. Kindle readers - I'll publish it in the next post.

By the way, in his blog The Life and Times of Michael 5000 he writes about nearly random and disparate subjects: film criticism, Bible review, quilting (yes, quilting), college football, literary criticism, postcard collecting and much more. I once was a finalist in his annual Dorkfest, which is what it sounds like - a dork contest. He's currently trying to win a game of online chess against someone from every country in the world (he's up to 50 countries, 21% of the world) and he started a vexilocriticism project - that would be critical analysis of the flags of the world.

In my estimation, Michael5000 is more entertaining than TV, of which he owns not a one.

I'm not forgetting the primary purpose here......recipe advice follows shortly.......Homemade Lemonade

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